Senior Morton's World Tour

Kids are done, work is done, Grand Kids…Eh… they'll be here when we get back!

Table mountain

Saturday 4 May
We at last have Internet so now is catch up time. Today we went up Table Mountain, ,something I did 45 years ago. Fiona &Stewart took us up on a fair weather day as the weather was all over the place. We drove up to the cable car which is now a big flash one that goes around so every one gets to see the view. I had forgotten just how spectacular Table mountain is, it is only just over 1000 meters up but much more impressive than larger mountains. The sheer ruggedness and sheer walls have to be seen to be appreciated. When we got to the bottom of the cable car ready to start going up I realized I had come out with a flat camera and could take no photos!!!!! Fortunately though Fiona had her camera with her and took a lot of photos which we have copied, so we have a good record of our visit. The weather turned out to be almost perfect with a mixture of sunshine and swirling clouds. I am so glad we got to do this trip as the terrain around Table Mountain and on towards Cape of Good Hope really is a sight worth seeing <

    On our way up the mountain

    sitting on the table C T behind

    photos cannot do justice to this place

    another one with us on top of the table

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