Senior Morton's World Tour

Kids are done, work is done, Grand Kids…Eh… they'll be here when we get back!


Thursday 15th September

The cabaret – la Nouvelle Eve – last night was exceptionally good with a surprisingly good quality meal followed by an very entertaining show. There were jugglers, acrobats and of course some very nubile dancers in various stages of undress. As we were seated right up against the stage, those dancers looked to be 9 ft tall, but were very entertaining and it was a great end to our stay in Paris.

We had an early start today as we set off from Paris, our destination, Lucerne in Switzerland.

The French countryside consisted of undulating hills that were exceptionally green, more so than England with many small farms cropping a variety of different crops some of which I recognised and some of which I didn’t. There were a number of castles along the way, some quite impressive. Apparently you can purchase one very cheaply as they are expensive to maintain. We also passed through the town where the Citroen Motor car is manufactured.

Immediately we reached Switzerland the terrain changed and got quite hilly until we eventually reached Lucerne and behind Lucerne we could see the real snow capped mountains that is Switzerland. We strolled around Lucerne which is a very old and quaint city with no cars in the old part, as the streets are too narrow and winding. It will be interesting exploring the place tomorrow.

One Response to “Switzerland”

  1. Nicola Says:

    Strange to think you’re seeing snow capped mountains and we’re enjoying a nice sunny day! Hope you are enjoying your explorations!

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